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Komori America appoints new director of printed electronics

June 7, 2024  By PrintAction Staff

Komori is expanding its focus on printed electronics (PE). To lead this effort, Doug Schardt has been appointed director of printed electronics to capitalize on emerging opportunities in sectors where electronic functionality is increasingly in demand and to support the growth of Komori’s PE business. He will also continue in his role as director of product management at Komori America.

Komori views printed electronics as a growth business. In 2023, Komori established the Printed Electronics Elemental Technology Development Center at its Tsukuba Plant in Japan to develop elemental technologies for PE. The company is expanding on this investment in the United States in response to the current push by the U.S. government to tackle supply chain disruptions associated with traditional silicon-based chips, which was brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, with processes that rely on different materials and manufacturing processes.

Printed electronics uses printing techniques to create electrical devices on various substrates. Instead of traditional methods that involve etching circuits onto silicon chips, PE uses special inks and presses to create electronic devices on various surfaces like paper, plastic or even fabric. The result is a class of electronics that are lightweight, versatile and cost-effective—qualities that open a host of business opportunities from the ability to produce a wide range of applications, such as wearable technologies and smart packaging.


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