
Features Opinion Craft
How can I produce more jobs cost effectively?

May 24, 2024  By Erwin Busselot

The hum of a bustling production floor is reassuring – busy presses are automatically assumed to be profitable presses. In many cases this statement is true – but not always. It is likely to be true for those print service providers (PSPs) that have recently undertaken an operational wide review, identified where improvements can be made and taken the necessary action. For others the inefficiencies in some or all of the many moving parts can create lost pockets of productivity that are not always visible but when added up can prove to be significant.

Calculating production capacity involves identifying constraints, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies as well as measuring current output, considering peak times, and regularly monitoring and adjusting capacity for optimum performance. An overarching understanding can help with identifying new ways to maximize production capacity. Among the strategies that could then prove effective are these:

  • Streamlining operations with technology – Aside from implementing automation wherever possible to reduce manual labour, operations could consider speeding up processes by increasing their use of digital printing technology. This would enable them to develop their print on demand services and meet faster turnaround times.
  • Optimizing job management tracking, and communication with workflow automation software
  • Upgrading or expanding your physical resources – Aside from investing in newer systems and solutions consider if it is time to expand your production facility to accommodate additional capacity. Explore what new services could be easily added to your existing workflow and finishing capabilities.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively boost your printing production capacity and meet growing demand while maintaining quality and efficiency.

Erwin Busselot is director, Business Innovation and Solutions, Ricoh Graphic Communications, Ricoh Europe


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